His whole life flashed before his eyes, you know the way they show you in the movies.
Images of his girlfriend,Mother and little brother raced into his mind. His baseball team winning
the state championship, reading the letter from UM telling him that he made it in. Every memory one by one becoming clear in his mind. He knew he shouldn't have had those last few drinks but he did it anyways, to release stress and just celebrate that he was now done with high school. "Are you sure you don't want to car pool with me and you can get your car tomorrow?" his friend ask unsure of how many drinks Mike had. "Nah bro I'm cool to drive don't worry ill see you in the morning" Mike said as he was getting into his car unaware about the events that would happen next. He pulled away from that little bar to fast and he knew it. As he rounded the corner he saw his girlfriend and she wasn't alone. Anger and hate filled his eyes, he knew that their relationship was on the rocks but he didn't think she would resort to cheating. He drove passed her with incredible speed. His vision was blurred from hot tears rolling from his eyes. He never saw the tree until it was right in front of him and he could do anything but pray. Pray that he would make it out alive, pray that he would still be able to play baseball and pray that his mom and brother will be able to move on if he is taken from this world. He held his breath and closed his eyes as the car slammed into the tree. The dashboard smashed into his knees and the airbag exploded in his face, then it was completely silent besides his car horn going off. In a distance he could hear a woman scream and on the phone with 911, he tried to hold on to her voice but he knew the ambulance would get there to late.
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